Black Iris Media | Elevate Your Brand

Terms of Service

     By enrolling in our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Black Iris Media may request access to existing branding, professional headshots, and personal and brokerage logos when available.

  • You agree to provide accurate information and provide timely responses.

  • Payment Terms: You agree to pay the agreed-upon fees for our services as detailed in a separate invoice. Late payments may incur penalties or additional charges.

    • Payment is collected prior to services rendered.

    • Additional charges may apply for single service items, including add-ons.

    • Upon full payment, you own the rights to all content, designs, and logos we create for you unless agreed otherwise in writing.

  • Privacy: We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and personal information. Any access to personal accounts, including social media accounts, granted by you to Black Iris Media will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and used exclusively for the purposes of providing our social media marketing services. 

  • We commit to maintaining the strictest standards of data security and will not share, sell, or disclose your personal information to any third parties.

  • Liability: Our liability for any damages arising from this agreement or our services is limited to the amount you paid for the specific services involved.

  • BrandKit: templates may be adjusted up to 2 times. Additional adjustments may incur an additional fee.

  • SocialKit: To get started with SocialKit, there is a recurring monthly fee.

    • Subscription: Your SocialKit package requires a 3-month commitment; after the 3 month period, you can cancel with 30 days advance notice.

    • If you do not have social media accounts to connect, you agree to pay a one-time account set up fee for us to create profiles for you.

    • Access: You agree to grant us access to your social media accounts for seamless collaboration. If access is terminated, you agree to provide updated credentials within 2 business days to ensure content is uninterrupted. Due to software limitations, we are only able to connect to business accounts.

    • Refund Policy: Our design and social media marketing process is an intricate, collaborative effort that begins long before the final content is shared with your audience. Given the nature of our work and the early investment in time and resources, we do not offer refunds. However, we understand the importance of your satisfaction and are more than willing to discuss any edits, revisions, or accommodations needed to ensure the final output meets your standards.

    • Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement with a 30-day written notice. You remain responsible for payment for services rendered up to termination. You may cancel a SocialKit subscription with a 30-day notice by submitting an email request to

    • Accuracy: We agree to adjust any content with errors during the content review period. You may also request a post be deleted from the content queue. No edits will be made outside of the review period.

Thank you for reviewing our terms of service. If you have any questions, please email